Contact Us


Brian Holdeman (515) 991-1377
Denny Hammer (641) 792-0116

Auctioneer/Announcer/Auction Committee:

Calvin Mennenga (319) 240-5510
Tom Sabelka (563) 569-8383 (h); or (641) 229-0222 (c) 

Registration: Ray and Shirely Cook (641) 895-1524
Outside Exhibitor Display Load and Unloading: Bob Gihring (319) 350-5083
Implements: Gene Putz (641) 344-9692
F-Series: Tom Sabelka (563) 569-8383 (h); or (641) 229-0222 (c)
Outside Vendors: Aaron Wade (641) 990-7338
High Wheelers: Varlen & Fern Carlson (515) 826-3491
Trucks: Dean Hasse (319) 540-3714
Scouts: Lynn Faeth (319) 372-3272
Chapter 5 Merchandise: Bobbie Hammer
Show Book: Pam Olsen (641) 390-0349
Toy Vendor: Claude Reeves (515) 867-3571
Women's Activities: Cyndy Bayliss (641) 777-2538 and Sue Eldred (641) 792-7491
Hospitality Room: Joe and Sandy Spahr (319) 465-3895
88 Series: Vernon Smith (319) 627-4324
Kids Games: Stacy Wessells (563) 920-4282 and Becky Sabelka
Inside Vendors: Charlie Campbell (515) 490-0307
Show Pin/Belt Buckles/Plaques: Paul Schaefer (319) 231-9767
Chapter Tables: Jeff Eldred (641) 521-0029
Cub Cadets: Rod Roose (319) 415-4188; Marv Schmitt (319) 269-4237
Toy Tractors: Jerry Wessells (563) 920-4727 
Feature Tractor: Dave Nelson (515) 571-6838
Gas Engines: Jim Shellhammer (402) 669-1723
Memorabilia/Display: Keith and Virginia Kalkwarf (319) 347-6285
Excavation Equipment: John Brown (563) 732-2170 (h); or (563) 571-2063 (c)

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Meeting and Event Resources: 

Meenta - COVID-19 Testing Marketplace 

COVID testing is available at the Des Moines International Airport.

If you need more assistance, or further resources, please reach out to our Event Experience Team.