Press Trip Request

Looking to cover the most recent stories around Greater Des Moines? We can assist you! Searching for the newest hotspot? Or dive restaurant? Maybe you want a shop that sells vinyl records. Or the best golf course to swing your clubs at. If this is you, please complete the following:

  • Complete the Press Trip Request Form below
  • Provide examples of printed articles, in which your byline appears, within the last 6-12 months
  • Provide information including your editor contact info and publication placement dates
  • Be prepared to send us, if requested, a letter of assignment on letterhead from the media outlet you are representing


Alex Wilson Headshot - 2023

Alex Wilson Communications & PR Manager

The Greater Des Moines Convention and Visitors Bureau does not provide airfare for journalists' trips. We cannot guarantee to pay for ground transportation, accommodations, attraction passes or meals. Complimentary arrangements are subject to availability and at the discretion of the host business.

Thank you for your interest in Des Moines. We look forward to helping you catch a story in Greater Des Moines!

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Additional Info/Requests

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