Sports Events Magazine has named Greater Des Moines as a Top Place to Watch in 2014. Greater Des Moines is among the coveted few cities to earn the Readers’ Choice Award, securing nearly 90% of all votes cast for sports destinations in Iowa.
“Des Moines embraces sports vitality,” said Vicki Comegys, Vice President of Sales, Sports and Services for the Greater Des Moines Convention and Visitors Bureau, the parent organization of the Des Moines Area Sports Commission. “Our team works diligently to bring sporting events to the region, but we couldn’t receive such an honor without strong, ongoing community support.”
Greater Des Moines will be featured in Sports Events’ January 2014 issue. This distinction recognizes the best sports-focused destinations and venues that have been nominated and voted upon by sports events industry professionals.
A full list of Top Places to Watch in 2014 will be posted at later this month.
About Sports Events Magazine
Sports Events Media Group, publisher of Sports Events Magazine, is the industry leader in providing products and services designed to connect sports events organizers with sports commissions, Convention and Visitors Bureaus, hotels, insurance companies and other sports events industry suppliers.