Have you ever munched on a handful of puppy chow, waited in line for the kybo at a music festival, or taken the kids out for Beggar's Night? If not, reference this handy glossary to translate common terms you're likely to hear throughout Greater Des Moines.
Beggar's Night – While most American communities take costumed children out for Trick-or-Treating on Halloween, several cities in Greater Des Moines prefer to avoid potential mischief and mayhem and instead "beg" for candy on October 30. And don't be surprised if kids crack jokes at your door either – that's their way of earning the goods. Learn the history of central Iowa's unique Halloween tradition.
Busch Latte – the everyman's beer, commonly known as "Busch Light." This cold, adult beverage is best consumed atop a riding lawn mower, at a tailgate, or near a grill.
Caucus – The Iowa Caucus.. Um, don't ask...
Cornhole – Not exactly a flattering name, but a fun backyard game nonetheless (and pretty much mandatory for tailgating). You might call it "bags." As the state producing the most corn, we'd rather fill our beanbags with the local grain.
Crick – an alternative pronunciation of the word creek.
Gas station pizza – No, that's not a misprint, and no, we aren't kidding. Some of the best pizza in Iowa can be found in our gas stations serving the delicacy morning, noon, and night from rotating heated boxes.
Kybo – also known as a porta-potty to the rest of the world.
MaidRite – a loose meat sandwich made famous by the local chain of the same name. Whatever you do, don't call it a "sloppy joe;" MaidRites don't need all that fancy-schmancy "sauce." The beauty lies within simplicity.
May Day – Another delightful local tradition, on the first of May, children fill “May Day baskets” and deliver to friends’ doors. Baskets are typically cheaply made of a Styrofoam cup or construction paper cone with pipe cleaner handle and filled with popcorn, candy or flowers. May Day basket recipients try to catch couriers in the act and give them a kiss!
Ope - Generic expression for surprise or apology, as in "ope! 'Scuse me! I'm just gonna sneak past ya to grab some ranch!"
Pop – Southerners call it coke, East and West coasters call it soda, we call our soft drinks "pop." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Puppy chow – No, this isn't referring to the breakfast you pour in a bowl for your dog; it's a delicious treat made of rice cereal dipped in a melted chocolate and peanut butter mixture and then covered in powdered sugar. Trust us. It's divine!
RAGBRAI – The Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa is a rite of passage for biking enthusiasts each July. Each year, a new route stretches from the west border of the state to the east, ending at the Mississippi River.
Scotcheroos - another local treat, this one is served in bar form made of rice Krispies, melted butterscotch chips, and peanut butter and then covered in a hard chocolate topping. We Iowans really love our cereal/chocolate/peanut butter dessert combinations, apparently.
Squinny – refers to a ground squirrel. We have no excuse for this one...
Steak de Burgo – We call it Steak de Burgo. You’ll call it life changing. No amount of flowery words will do it as much justice as our Des Best video about it. Watch with a napkin nearby to wipe up the drool.
And a last PSA, please remember Des Moines. The S's are silent. Our locals say "welcome!"