DES MOINES, IA  More than 300 visitors will catch Greater Des Moines this week for the National Square Dance Convention Pre-Convention, March 23-28. The organization's national officers and committees will discuss plans for their National Convention, estimated to bring 6,000 square dancers to Greater Des Moines next year—June 22-25, 2016.

FREE DANCE LESSONS (Open to the Public)
Monday, March 23 through Thursday, March 26, the square dancers will offer lessons daily within Capital Square (400 Locust Street, Des Moines) from 5:15-6:45 p.m. The lessons will include beginner dance instructions.

On-site story opportunities will include:
   • Interview opportunities with National Square Dance Convention Pre-Convention attendees/square dance instructors
   • Interview opportunities with locals learning square dance
   • Visual opportunities of square dance lessons


Friday, March 27, the square dancers invite media to a civic luncheon at the Community Choice Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom (833 5th Avenue, Des Moines) at 11:30 a.m.

On-site story opportunities will include:
   • Interview opportunities with National Square Dance Convention Pre-Convention attendees
   • Interview opportunities with local city leaders
   • Visual opportunities of square dance performances

Do-Si-Don't miss out on this exciting week of square dance! For more information, visit

For on-site assistance, please contact Kristine Reeves at or (712) 229-1628.


The Greater Des Moines Convention and Visitors Bureau is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to promote Greater Des Moines as a fun, vibrant and affordable destination statewide, nationally and internationally. Our focus increases visitors to our community through meetings, conventions, sports events, leisure travel, and group tours, thereby contributing to the local economy.